Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wardrobe Re-do

     This wardrobe came to us from another dealer who was looking to get out of the business.  Neat ideas but I wasn't feeling the balance or maybe it was too much going on between the angle details and color contrasts. 
     The mirror was originally mounted inside on the door.  I was going to put it back and do some shabby drapery on the side panels but the piece wasn't screaming shabby chic - those angles again.  Once I took the mirror off, I realized why she had mounted it there.  There was a nice long chunk of wood an eighth of an inch deep and almost as big as the mirror missing.  I was thinking covering it but I was stumped with what.  I had a great suggestion to use a pair of shutters we had out on the sales floor (thanks, Terry!), but they were a stitch too big.  I didn't want to putty that much besides you could see that it wasn't going to solve anything - the whole band-aid-on-a-broken-arm thing.  Back to the drawing board.
     After painting it black, changing the knobs for something a little more glamorous, I felt it really did look great with the mirror on the front.  It actually broke it up nicely and kept it from looking like that looming piece in the corner. 
     In hindsight, I do wish I had used chalkboard paint.  What a great place to store games in a kids room!  There is always next time!    $120

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